Written by WVSU Medical Center | 


We envision a professionalized and effective Internal Audit Service Unit of highly competent and trustworthy Internal Audit personnel committed to the practice of good governance for the empowered WVSUMC community.


  • To promote GOOD GOVERNANCE by exercising Honesty, Objectivity and Diligence in the performance of duties and responsibilities.
  • To be RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL, exhibiting loyalty to the institution and respecting the rights of fellow hospital employees, by being sensitive to their feelings and concerns.
  • To maintain INDEPENDENCE in judgment and principles in appraising and reviewing the activities and operations of the organization as service management.
  • To promote PROFESSIONALISM by continually striving for improvement in the proficiency and effectiveness in delivering services to the organization through continuing education and advancement towards a prestigious and dignified institution.

Authority and Responsibility

The responsibilities of internal auditing in the organizational should be clearly established by the management policy. The related authority should provide the internal auditor full access to all the organization’s records, properties, and personnel relevant to the subject under review. The internal auditor should be free to review and appraise policies, plans, procedures and records.

  1. Examines and reviews established hospital’s control procedures to determine the adequacy of the system of control whether they provide reasonable assurance that the organization’s objectives and goals are met efficiently and economically.
  2. Verifies and reviews the integrity and reliability of financial and operating information and the means used to identify, measure, classify, and report such information, as these information systems provide data for decision-making, control and compliance with external requirements.
  3. Reviews the system established by the management to ensure compliance of the hospital’s existing policies, regulations, plans and procedures which has a significant impact on its operations.
  4. Reviews the means of safeguarding the assets of the hospital against various types of losses such as those resulting from theft, fire, improper or illegal activities, and lack of or inadequate preventive maintenance.
  5. Monitors the entire flow of procurement transactions.


circlegpslocationmapmarkernavigationicon 1320196703757589293  E Lopez St, Jaro, Iloilo City, 5000
Tel No.: (033) 3202431 